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How to delete a RecFind database


When deleting a RecFind database there are two separate processes,

  1. the user deletes the database via the application, this removes all internal references to the database
  2. the Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle DBA delete the tables from the database

For a detailed explanation of these two functions, please refer to the below information.

Detailed Information

Deleting the Database from RecFind

  1. From within RecFind, load the Database Maintenance module from the Admin Tab.
  2. Highlight the database you wish to delete, and select ‘Delete’.

    Database Maintenance Screen in RecFind/SQL

  3. You will be prompted with the database details window. Select ‘OK’ to confirm that you wish to delete the database.

    Delete Database Screen in RecFind/SQL

  4. The next message you will see, is the one below. This indicates that the database will be deleted from within RecFind only, however the SQL tables will not be deleted.

    Delete Database Warning in RecFind/SQL

  5. Select ‘OK’ again.

Deleting the Database from Microsoft SQL Server
(click here for Oracle)

Once you have deleted the the database from within RecFind, you must delete the actual SQL tables via Enterprise Manager.

  1. Go into Enterprise Manager on the SQL Server.
  2. Browse to the RecFind database and select the 'Tables' folder
  3. Highlight ALL tables which begin with the database prefix you will be deleting. i.e. In the above example, we are deleting the TASK database that has a prefix of TSK. We therefore highlight all tables which commence with 'tsk_'.

    Highlight Database Tables for Deletion in RecFind/SQL

  4. Once highlighted, right click on any of the tables, and select ‘Delete’. You will be prompted with the following screen.

    Database Deletion in RecFind/SQL - Drop Objects Screen

  5. Select ‘Drop All’. Your SQL Server may take a little moment to delete ALL of the required tables. Once this has been completed, you have successfully deleted the RecFind database from RecFind, along with its related SQL tables.

Deleting the Database from Oracle

Once you have deleted the the database from within RecFind, you must delete the actual Oracle tables via DBA Studio/Enterprise Console or another tool.

  1. Go into Oracle DBA Studio on the Oracle server.
  2. Browse to the RecFind database and select the 'Tables' folder
  3. Highlight ALL tables which begin with the database prefix you will be deleting. i.e. In the above example, we are deleting the TASK database that has a prefix of TSK. We therefore highlight all tables which commence with 'tsk_'.

    Highlight Database Tables for Deletion in RecFind/Oracle

  4. Once highlighted, right click on any of the tables, and select ‘Delete’. You will be prompted with the following screen.

    Delete Database Warning in RecFind/Oracle
  5. Select 'Yes'. Your Oracle server may take a little moment to delete ALL of the required tables. Once this has been completed, you have successfully deleted the RecFind database from RecFind, along with its related Oracle tables.

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