RecQuery is a multi-user, rich-client
inquiry tool for RecFind-Corporate.
Similar functionality is provided in a thin-client form by
RecQuery is the ideal low cost way to provide enterprise-wide access to
your corporate information store.
RecQuery accesses the RecFind-Corporate database via a
In summary, RecQuery allows you to:
- Have a low-cost, fast, easy-to-use document access solution.
- View, print and copy (save as) all objects
within the RecFind-Corporate database including metadata and paper
- Perform full text searches (BOOLEAN engine for all standard
metadata), full text search
engine (ISYS option) for all attached electronic documents or by SQL search
screens dynamically built for user generated extended metadata.
- Search for a myriad of criteria including:
File metadata,
Document metadata, Document attachment (electronic document).
names, Document attachment text [ISYS add-on], Space metadata, Box
metadata and Workflow Actions (To Do Lists).
- Conduct a global search across multiple RecFind databases.
- Search on metadata across all RecFind profiles (Files, Documents and
- Control access to the RecFind-Corporate database with security codes. The results returned from searches are
dependent on the user's security level. For example, a user with the
highest level of security will see the entire set of data returned.
Whereas a user with a lower level may see only a subset of the data.
- Easily and quickly add your own help
screens (for example, for policy and procedures).
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